No More Partying At Airbnbs! Permanent Ban On Parties & Events Across All Listings Around The World!



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No More Partying At Airbnbs! Permanent Ban On Parties & Events Across All Listings Around The World!

By MJC97

Turn DOWN the music because the party is OVER!  

Yes, you read that right. After temporarily banning parties & events across its listing all around the world in August 2020, Airbnb has now announced that this temporary ban is now a permanent ban!

Wait, no events? Does that mean no more weddings at beautiful Airbnbs?! No more bachelor parties or bachelorette parties at Airbnbs?!  

After reading through the statement released by Airbnb on the 28th of June 2022, it is understood that 'disruptive parties and events', which include open-invite gatherings (parties advertised on social media), and 'Party Houses' (homestay properties dedicated to large parties and big events) are permanently banned. 

This means that small, private gatherings should be okay as long as it doesn't get out of control and cause disturbances within the area surrounding the Airbnb.  

Originally the reason for the temporary ban was in the interest of public health but now Airbnb has come to find that it just makes sense! There are lesser complaints from people and they received positive feedback from community leaders and elected officials.

Some good news is that the 16-person occupancy cap has been removed for properties that "are capable of comfortably and safely housing more than 16 people".  

Thinking of throwing caution to the wind and just hosting a huge party at an Airbnb? Well, that might not seem like a good idea since there will be consequences, such as getting suspended from the app or even removed, meaning no more booking Airbnbs for you.

"In 2021, over 6,600 guests were suspended from Airbnb for attempting to violate our party ban." Read between the lines, it means "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT". 

So what do you think about this permanent ban? Does it disrupt any of your plans? Share your thoughts in the comments section, we'd love to hear what you think!

Airbnbs Airbnb Permanent Ban Permanent Ban on parties


Just another human, trying to survive.



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