South Korea's Roller Skating Rink is Coming to Malaysia!



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South Korea's Roller Skating Rink is Coming to Malaysia!

By ellephant

From KDramas to KPop, KFashion to KFood, more of Korean is coming to Malaysia and we are psyched!  
Based on announcements and postings via social media, South Korea's indoor roller skating rink is coming to Petaling Jaya Selangor. Known as Rollerwa, the only other two branches are located at South Korea, and we have been deemed worthy to receive its third branch. 

It will be located at 1 Utama Shopping Centre at the District K section, Malaysia's first Korean-themed retail zone. According to their website, there will also be a pre-register event and grand prizes to win with it.  

The date of its opening have yet to be informed, but we have already begun building sandcastles in the air that's for sure! 

For more updates, stay tuned to their Instagram page. 

kdrama KPop kfood kfashion rollerwa rollerskating rink malaysia southkorea comingsoon new fun registration Event prizes


a writer of sorts



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