3 Tips To Reduce Chance Of Being Infected With COVID-19



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3 Tips To Reduce Chance Of Being Infected With COVID-19

By Jada

According to the Health director-general, Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant can be spread within 15 seconds through the air. Hence, the public needs to go out less and maintain good hygiene habits, such as frequent disinfection, and frequent hand washing. Below are the 3 tips to reduce the chance of infection.


1. Things To Do After Coming Back Home From Outside 

  • The public is encouraged to straightly go to the toilet to take a shower, and wash from the head to the toes.
  • The SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant is spread through the air, and they may attach to the clothes. Therefore, it is recommended to clean them separately from the clothes you wear at home and put them in the sun.
  • Disinfect mobile phones, keys, or other carried items to keep them clean.
  • Remember not to touch your face and eyes with your hands. especially before eating. You must wash your hands first.


2. Things To Do When You Are At Public Areas

  • Try not to touch public goods, because the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant can stay on the surface of the object for up to 3 days. If you are forced to touch, remember to wash your hands or sanitise them quickly.
  • Perfom double-masking.
  • https://kpkesihatan.files.wordpress.com/2021/05/5.png  

  • Not to make these 10 most common mistakes in wearing masks
  • https://image.goody25.com/images//catalog/48829/20210123200937.jpg  

3. Things To Do After Driving Car

Remember to disinfect the car door handles, car seats, steering wheels regularly.


Here are the 3 tips to reduce the chance of being infected. Remember to share with people you care. Lindung Diri, Lindung Semua.

#doublemasking #vaccination #sinovac #Pfizer #AstraZeneca #COVID-19Malaysia #COVID-19 #facemask #sanitization #hygiene #kitajagakita #lindungdirilindungsemua


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