WATCH: "So Disrespectful!" Inconsiderate School Van Driver Criticized For Removing Parking Signs For Parents Of Special Needs Children



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WATCH: "So Disrespectful!" Inconsiderate School Van Driver Criticized For Removing Parking Signs For Parents Of Special Needs Children

By JustineG

The actions of a school van driver have sparked criticism on social media after he was alleged to have removed parking signs designated for parents of special needs students. In a post on Facebook, a video showed the school van driver blocking vehicles in front of the school. 

In the 37-second video, the school van driver removed the parking signs before rolling them up and placing them at the bottom. It is understood that the parking spots were provided to help parents pick up their special needs children. 

"Children with special needs usually return home one or two hours earlier than regular students. However, their schedule is closer in timing during the fasting month."

"As responsible individuals, it would be better for school van drivers to park a little further away than usual." 

According to Kosmo!, several parents were reportedly chased away by the same van driver from parking in the school area.

"My child goes to that school. I've complained many times about the van driver. They lack empathy, honking multiple times impatiently. Yet parents only need less than five minutes to drop off their kids." 

"Since last year, these van drivers have been chasing away parents picking up their children. Whether the parents are picking up regular or special needs children, they are chased away. There's no tolerance, and it's disrespectful. They act like gangsters." 

It is understood that there have been previous altercations, but parents have chosen to yield.

malaysia viral news school van driver transportation students parents sign disrespectful children special needs pick up zone inconsiderate


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