Wonder The Meaning Of Your Dream? Here’re The Interpretation For 25 Dreams



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Wonder The Meaning Of Your Dream? Here’re The Interpretation For 25 Dreams

By Jada

Having some unexplainable dreams? Some said that if you dreamed a lot, it means that the universe is trying to send you some signals through your dream. Is it true? We have listed down a few common things that people have dreamed of and the meaning of it.

1. Water


Water-related dreams can indicate that you feel overwhelmed or unsupported by your loved ones. A dream about water mainly signifies being either trapped or free. The meaning depends on what you link with water in your day to day life.

If it’s a large amount of water, it can mean that you have deep emotions or a strong emotional reaction to something happening in your life right now.

2. Vehicles


If you dream about an accident, it signifies emotional stress and low confidence. You might be worried about losing something such a job or a relationship. Remember to find the causes of stress and solve it.

3. Being trapped somewhere


This kind of dream means you are not satisfied with your current situation and you want to change it. Your mind tends to show you things in a detailed way, 

4. Teeth falling out 

Losing teeth sometimes can be a traumatic experience. The brain associates this experience of fear with other things in life that make you feel fearful. If you are an adult and dream about your teeth falling out, it means that you’re worried about the changes going on in your life now.

5. Babies or having children


Dreaming about babies means you want to grow your family. It means that you want to be a father or mother figure in your children's lives.

Dreaming about children can also mean that you want to develop your true self.

6. Animals 


Dreaming about animals is always associated with your personality trait or emotion.  

You might link a snake to dishonesty. To dream about a snake can mean that you’re anxious about something or you think someone around you is lying about something.

Spiders, wasps or hornets are the commonly feared insects. They can also be a symbol of evil friends or people, and dreaming about them can also mean that you’re not happy with the people around you.

Dreaming about a puppy can indicate that you are happy with your current puppy, or that you’re ready for a baby or a puppy. To dream about a dog chasing you can mean that you’re running away from life's responsibilities, or that you’re not ready for a commitment that’s going on in your life right now. It could mean that you’re unhappy in your relationship.

Ants are tiny and usually annoying. Dreaming about ants means you’re thinking about little things that annoyed you. 

Dreaming about horses can mean that you want to have more freedom in your life. 

7. Being chased by something


It could just be that you’ve seen too many horror films. It can also mean that you’re worried about an issue that you’ve not settled.

Let’s say if you’re leaving the work that needs to be done by next week, to dream about being chased is like your brain saying ‘hey, pay attention to this matter now’.

8. Death or dying


A dream about death can just mean you’re accepting that you’re changing into someone else. We’re all dying every day in small ways, as well as being born in small ways. Your brain and body are trying to make sense of it, and sometimes that just appears in the form of dreaming about death.

9. Taking exams


It can also literally mean that you’re worried about taking your exams though if you’re still in school. But for adults who have long since passed their exams, it usually just means that you’re worried about what others will think of you, or how you’ll perform in any up-coming big event.

10. Clothing


A dream about clothing usually associates with how you want to show yourself to the world. Wearing different clothes in real life than you do in your dream means that you are not projecting your true personality and your brain wants you to express yourself more and be more confident.

11. Buildings and houses


A dream about a building or a house means that you’re thinking about the feeling of being safe.

Homes and buildings are linked with safety, warmth, shelter, and home. To dream about someone else’s home might mean that you want to spend more time with that person.

Pay attention to which room of the house or building you find yourself in. If you are hiding from something in your own home or dreams of burglars in your home, it can mean you’re scared or worried about your safety. These feelings and dream signs can also mean that you’re feeling insecure in yourself, in terms of your confidence or life plan. 

12. Money


Dreaming about money means that you want extra funds so you can finally do those things you want. It can sometimes mean that you long for power, which is not always a good thing.

13. Falling


Falling dreams usually mean that you’re not in control of what’s going on, and you’re lacking leadership in your life. Pay attention to this if you’re always having dreams about falling, as it can mean that you’re feeling hopeless and even depressed.

14. Zombies

Zombies are the dead coming back to life, and so a dream about zombies can mean you’re worried about the past coming back to haunt you or ruin your current life. Think about whether there are any unresolved conflicts with people in your past or something like that.

15. Being cheated on (by your partner)


Sometimes, we dream of being cheated on. It doesn’t always mean you don’t trust your partner. You might have the best most loyal partner ever, but if you’ve been cheated on a lot before, it’s only normal to be a little careful and that’s why you dream about it.

16. Being late


Nobody likes being late. It shows that we’re not good at keeping time. We’re just scared of doing certain things. The things we think about most often are usually the things we dream about. Don’t focus on negative things!

17. Being lost


Usually being lost in a dream denotes being anxious or scared. It can also mean that you are lacking direction in your life or you are feeling like you don’t have any goals or achievements.

18. Being pregnant (girls)


Pregnancy in a dream usually denotes being ready to give birth to something new in your life. It could BE a child if you’re worried about being pregnant, or it could just be considering starting of something new, like a new relationship, job, travel plans or even trying to change yourself.

It can also denote being scared of taking on new responsibilities, as children often are linked with a high level of responsibility. To dream about it negatively (the feeling of the dream is rushed, panicked, stressed) can mean you’re not ready to take on new challenges.

19. Finding an empty room


Empty rooms in dreams are usually just a space that your brain hasn’t filled. It can also be about a part of your life where you just think or feel nothing’s changing. For example, if you find yourself working in an empty room, it can indicate that you just don't think that anything’s going on at work in terms of career progression.

If the feeling of the dream is excitement however, it can mean that you’re ready to find something new and exciting in your life, and that could take many forms. 

20. Fire


Fire is usually bad and uncontrollable. To dream about the fire can mean anger, passion or even destruction.

Sometimes if you’re angry or unhappy with a situation, you’ll dream about the fire the same night and even destroying things and being in a fight. The other reason you might dream about fire is that you’ve got strong memories of camping.

21. Reading books

Dreaming about books can mean you’re thirsty for knowledge. Books are strongly linked with intelligence and knowledge in almost every culture around the world. To dream about reading can mean you’re ready to learn new things and you want new challenges.

If you KEEP dreaming about books, maybe it’s a sign that you need new knowledge. Try reading every night, which is a good way to lucid dream more. 

22. Running in place (can’t move)


This is all about control. To dream about being unable to move and running in place shows that you’re not feeling in control of your life. You feel like no matter how much effort you’re putting into things, nothing’s changing or moving. This is a really common dream because most people don’t change. When they eventually do try and change they set goals in the wrong way, so nothing happens.

This means that lots of people have this dream of being frozen on the spot, trying to run but just sliding around on the ground. Consider what your goals are, what you want in life, and what you’re doing to try and get there.

23. Crying

Crying dreams are often an outlet for repressed emotions and feelings. Often when we dream about crying it’s just our bodies' way of letting out some emotions. Not everyone cries (or even CAN cry) in waking life, and so dreams are sometimes a way to release emotions and feelings that have been bottled up.

24. Losing a shoe


Losing a shoe is a dream that just relates to not being protected. Shoes are very heavily linked with protection from the elements and the dangers on the ground. To dream of losing it can mean that you’re worried about security or protection.

25. Climbing a mountain


Mountains have always been associated with challenge or obstacles to overcome. So to dream about a mountain is usually just your brain internalizing a challenge. The challenge could either be something you've faced or something that’s coming. If you’re dreaming about not being able to climb the mountain, it shows that you’re not feeling confident about the change or challenge that’s coming.

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