5 Tips to Avoid Getting Fat during CNY



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5 Tips to Avoid Getting Fat during CNY

By yiyingxx

The Chinese New Year is an event that features a wide range of foods and snacks! It's quite simple to gain weight at this time, especially if you're having beautiful conversations with your loved ones while eating Chinese traditional biscuits. You would unintentionally consume more food than you anticipated. Hence , here are some pointers to help you prevent gaining weight during this period!

1. Eat slowly

It is usually recommended that we eat slowly so that we do not consume more than our bodies require. We may slow down our intake by appreciating the quality of the meal and taking one bit at a time. People that eat slowly consumed significantly fewer calories and drink significantly more water than those who chose to eat quickly, as according studies. It would normally take 20 minutes for your brain to catch up with your stomach and let you know that you are full.


2. Drink more water

Staying hydrated and drinking water is beneficial to our physical health and well-being, but recent study suggests that it may also help us consume less calories. However, remember to choose plain water instead of soft drinks or alcoholic beverages. Choosing plain water instead of other sugar-sweetened beverages may help you avoid temptation. It's not that you can't have soft drinks at this period, but if you want to prevent growing fat, opt for unsweetened teas or zero-calorie drinks instead.

3. Stop eating when you are 70% full

When our gut is full, it might take up to 20 minutes for it to transmit a signal to our brain instructing us to stop eating. However, because everyone of us has unique physical qualities, this may vary from person to person. Generally speaking, we are conditioned by cultural expectations to consume a certain amount of food at a specific time rather than listening to our bodies. To avoid being overweight, strive to stop eating when you are 70% full. This is a technique that you may do on a daily basis, not only during the Chinese New Year season.


4. Opt for food high in fibre

Nuts, wholegrain noodles, and vegetables rich in fibre help keep us satiated for longer periods of time. Prioritize and load your plate with high-fiber items before adding fat and carbohydrate-dense foods to avoid overeating. Eat less sugary and carbohydrate-rich biscuits, such as butter cookies and pineapple cookies. You'll realize that because they're little, you'll be able to consume a lot more. As a result, choose the correct foods to avoid becoming overweight!

5. Workout

Despite the fact that you may be busy visiting relatives and socialising with family and friends, please remember to exercise throughout this time. Tabata exercises or high-impact workouts are good options if you want to sweat a lot. If you don't want it to be too strenuous, though, you may do some yoga or stretching exercises instead. If you really don't have much time, you could go for a family walk after your meal. Sweating is the most effective technique to avoid gaining weight.


We wish you a prosperous new year and please do not forget to maintain your health during this time!

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