The world that we once knew is no longer the world which exists today.
As a matter of fact, everything and everyone is changing so rapidly, most times than not, it is hard to keep track.
That being said, let's talk about the most important jobs out there in the market come 2025.
Based on the World Economic Forum which was held, here is a list of the top 10 jobs to be in.
Check them out.
1. Data Analysts and Data Scientist
2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning Specialist
3. Big Data Specialist
4. Digital Marketing and Strategy Specialist
5. Process Automation Specialist
6. Business Development Professionals
7. Digital Transformation Specialist
8. Information Security Analyst
9. Software and Application Developer
10. Internet of Things Specialist
Course, doctors, engineers and teachers are still fields of importance, as we course into a more digital era, one may intend to consider these paths for a more lucrative income.