SHOCKING: "He Wanted The Helmet So Badly!" Man Casually Break Into House In Klang Just To Steal A Red Helmet



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SHOCKING: "He Wanted The Helmet So Badly!" Man Casually Break Into House In Klang Just To Steal A Red Helmet

By JustineG

The homeowner was bewildered after an intruder casually entered his residence on Jalan Sri Sarawak, Taman Sri Andalas, South Klang, Selangor. According to the CCTV footage, the suspect opened the gate and entered the victim's house without being noticed by anyone around.

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"He nonchalantly opened the gate and went straight for my son's helmet, as if he had been targeting it for a while," he described. The suspect was observed walking away calmly without any apparent cause for concern before departing the premises with a red motorcycle helmet in hand.

Is locking gates a forgotten art? Homeowners, it's time to start doing so as an extra layer of caution won't hurt, especially for those with landed properties.

malaysia viral news thief Robbery helmet home klang safety dangerous Residence premise casual


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