5-Year-Old Uwais Stuns With Lightning-Fast Math Skills And Multilingual Talents



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5-Year-Old Uwais Stuns With Lightning-Fast Math Skills And Multilingual Talents

By Dhiviya

In less than a minute, five-year-old Uwais Mohammad Zulqarnain can accurately solve around 10 math problems without a calculator, a feat that has left many in awe. Beyond single-digit multiplication, this young prodigy has also taught himself to read Spanish, Russian, and Jawi, showcasing his extraordinary aptitude for learning.

Uwais' mother, Surya Syafiqah A Rahim, 32, revealed that her son's journey in mastering mathematics began at the tender age of four. Starting with addition, subtraction, and multiplication, he quickly advanced to calculating numbers in the trillions and solving powers and square roots.


Surya, a procurement manager at a private company, credits Uwai's achievements to his determination and the unwavering support of her husband, Mohammad Zulqarnain Alan Zamirza, 33, an engineer who actively nurtures their son's academic interests.

"We consistently introduce Uwais to numerical games, take him to bookstores, and involve him in reading activities," Surya said. "He attends reading and speech classes, but much of his language learning, including Spanish and Russian, comes from his own efforts using online resources, under our supervision."

Unlike many children his age, Uwais prefers learning new skills over playing video games. His fascination with numbers has led him to excel beyond expectations, placing him in a math class for six-year-olds instead of the usual five-year-old curriculum.

"Typically, he solves single-digit multiplication problems in three to five seconds. He enjoys challenges and often asks for more questions after completing a set of 20," Surya added.


Uwais's talents have not gone unnoticed. He has won numerous school awards for academic excellence and exceptional performance in mathematics. His mother also highlighted the role of a balanced diet in supporting his cognitive development, noting that Uwais enjoys vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and cucumbers, along with an assortment of fruits.

"We hope Uwais continues to develop his mathematical and linguistic skills. His abilities are truly a gift from God, and we are grateful for his health and progress," Surya said.

As this remarkable young boy continues to excel, his story is an inspiration, demonstrating the incredible potential of early nurturing and an innate passion for learning.

Source: NST 

boy Math Skills Multilingual Talents


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