KJ: How Malaysia is Moving into Endemicity



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KJ: How Malaysia is Moving into Endemicity

By ellephant

Based on announcements yesterday (March 8th), starting April 1st 2022, Malaysia will move into its endemic phase of this pandemic. 

As means to progress into it, Health Minister KJ took to a press conference explaining the process. 

Besides, monitoring the cases as well as vaccination rates within the country, the government would also send Covid care packages to B40 households, in order to keep the virus under wraps. 


Albeit Omicron having aftereffects much less severe than previous strains, he noted that should companies function alright working from home, employers could continue to allow employees to do so. 

Parents should also ensure their kids are sent for their respective vaccination appointments, as vaccines have more than proven effective in fighting off Covid-19. 

All SOPs being stripped away aside, the public must continue to practice the basics of living with the virus, like:


1. Wearing face masks

2. Places to have good aeration and space

3. Practicing appropriate social distancing 

4. Practicing good personal hygiene

5. Self-testing when showing symptoms, after attending a crowded event, or before/after international travel

6. The whole process of isolating and seeking medical attention if tested positive


"Keep in mind that life is going back to almost normal, and not normal", said KJ. 

Finally, for more and all info on everything health regarding Covid-19, a website (CovidProtocol.moh.my) would be installed ASAP.

malaysia endemic endemicity KJ khairyjamaluddin healthminister


a writer of sorts



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