Are You Quiet-Quitting At Work Quietly? Find Out Now To Rescue Your Career



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Are You Quiet-Quitting At Work Quietly? Find Out Now To Rescue Your Career

By m7py

Quiet-quitting is a real thing at work and here's what it actually is, if you haven't heard about it yet!

This trend refers to doing the minimum of what you are required to do at work. So, you wouldn't be going above and beyond your assigned tasks. You do not engage in citizenship behaviors such as staying late, showing up early, or attending non-mandatory meetings.

There are many possible explanations as to why this happens. 
1. Lack of advancement opportunities at work
2. Feeling disrespected
3. Toxic co-workers
4. Low pay
5. Burnout
6. Unmanageable workload

If you're looking to maintain your mental well-being and freedom, try these healthier steps instead of quiet-quitting:

1. Draw boundaries

Prioritize your limits proactively. You can identify what's urgent and what's not. Do not give up your after-work hours or weekends for the sake of work. 

2. Look for efficiencies

Go for productivity hacks and workflows that work best for you. You do not have to attend meetings that won't be useful. Practice saying no to workplace norms. 

3. Redirect your energy

If you aren't able to fit in with your industry, chances are you'll need to get a new job that matches your personality. So, don't waste too much time on an unfulfilling job. Instead, figure out your next step. 

So. there you go. It's time to figure out if the quiet-quitting culture is part of your work-life too. 

quietquitting career job profession work office WFH


Thank you for reading!



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