Featuring famous icons like Rahimah Rahim, Wang Lei, Phua Chu Kang and L. Vijayandra, Singapore has not only produced 1 but 4 video in multiple languages to encourage its citizens to get vaccinated.
Not only was the quantity 0f the video EXTRA but also the quality.
All the videos except the English one featured the same backdrop that looked like a traditional kopitiam with some roasted chicken hanging from one of the hawker stalls and another stall serving nasi kandar.
The cast in the video would then move to the next room that looks like a traditional biscuit shop selling local snacks. Then, they moved to the next backdrop was in a wet market kind of grocery store.
The backdrops not only gave us a sense of nostalgia, but it also displays the places people frequently go to maybe as a way to tell their people to get vaccinated so that they can once again go to these places freely without having to worry about the pandemic.
Well, Singapore didn’t just bring the extra with the backdrops, the Chinese video featured the famous Wang Lei, who is pretty famous right now for many reasons, on of which is for selling fish on Facebook live. They also sang the song in the different dialects that exist in the Chinese community like Hokkien and Cantonese.
Here are the videos:
- English Version
- BM Version
- Chinese Version
- Tamil Version
Overall, the four videos definitely captured our attention. So, we decided to look for the Malaysian video and guess what? IT DOES NOT EXIST.
Malaysia is yet to come up with a song about getting vaccinated. This should not be allowed! We need to compete and make a better one than Singapore’s 4 EXTRA videos.
So, listen up you talented Malaysian. This is the moment you’ve been trained for your whole lives. Go make a video that will make us all proud and that will put Singapore’s video at the second place.