Woman Rescues Sick, Immobile Homeless Person On KL Street



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Woman Rescues Sick, Immobile Homeless Person On KL Street

By ellephant

Based on a video gone viral, a lady rescues a homeless, immobile woman on KL street.

The lady who was on MC, was walking by the area, and noticed a woman lying down by the street.

After asking around she found out that the woman had apparently been living right there for over 2 weeks.

She was also told that the woman cannot move, and thus there is where she sleeps, eat, pisses and passes motion. Her meals are dependent on the kindness of passerbys.

The lady worried for the woman calls 999, for fear she may not make it. 

But to her dismay, when help arrives, they inform her that nothing can be done, as she is an immigrant, and would rather sleep there than go to a hospital, because she doesn’t want to be sent back to her own country.

Defeated, the lady returns home, and comes out once again when it starts heavily raining. Fortunately when she gets down there once more, someone had already called JKM, and they were at the scene.


The woman is then taken into the ambulance.

woman sick immobile homeless rescue KL street


a writer of sorts



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