Woman Celebrate Abusive Husband’s Death By Dumping His Ashes Into Trash Bin



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Woman Celebrate Abusive Husband’s Death By Dumping His Ashes Into Trash Bin

By Huan Lui

Though we may handle the passing of our spouses in many different ways, the fact that we will never see them again always break our hearts.

However, it is totally different for Marsha Widener.

After her husband died, Marsha posted a 109-minutes video of her celebrating his death to the social media. She begins the video by saying, “I know you're not going to understand why I'm doing this,” and shows the box of ashes of her late husband, Don Widener, to the camera. Then, she continues to say, “His family don't want him, his brother doesn't want him around, his kids doesn't want him - actually, they want him to go in the gutter or the toilet.” 

Marsha reveals that her husband was a garbage man who brought trash from businesses to the landfill, before stating that she is going to “send him back to the landfill”.

Turns out Don Widener was an abusive man who had brought a lot of pains to Marsha and their family, because as she unties the bag of ashes, Marsha says “This is for all the pain and all the turmoil he has caused my children and myself and what he calls his parents,” then she pours his cremains in the trash while saying “This is for all the times he kicked me in the head - yup, he put my head through a window.”

The video ended with Marsha cheering “Adios amigo!” after she empties the bag and throws it into the bin.

Watch the video here:

Well, Marsha, we do understand. Now let’s hope she can be happier and live a better life from now on.

Cover photo: Marsha Widener / YouTube

abuse husband spouse trash ash

Huan Lui

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