These Bad Habits Get You Infected Even With A Mask!



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These Bad Habits Get You Infected Even With A Mask!

By xweienx

The exponential rise of cases in Malaysia is nothing short of worrying. Deaths due to the virus is also no longer limited to older patients. Whatever the reasoning behind it, the government has opted not to have a full lockdown, so it is up to us as citizens to do our part and break the chain.

Although the usage of masks and hand sanitizers are generally well practiced by the public, there are still many daily habits that would increase the chances of us coming into contact with viruses and bacteria. Let's see if you have any of these habits.

#Folding and Unfolding Masks / Keeping Masks In Pockets

When dining in was still allowed (and also after MCO 3.0), many people tend to keep their masks by folding it up and placing them in pockets or just on the table. This is extremely risky as the act of folding and unfolding your masks, or taking your masks in and out of your pockets means coming in contact with the outside of the mask. As you fumble around, your hands might then also touch the insides of the mask, essentially rendering the mask useless. To reduce the risk, a mask holder or mask cover is recommended. Just be sure to clean those regularly too!  

#Using Cash

Many people seem to have forgotten that cash is one of the dirtiest things we come across on a daily basis (even before the pandemic). They are basically free transportation for viruses and bacteria. If possible, sanitize any change you receive. Even better, stick to e-wallets and Internet banking!  

#Things In Your Pockets

Whether it is your phone, your keys, or your wallet, many of these things get exposed to the surrounding intentionally or not. Especially when dining in was a thing, people would place this on their tables then place then back into their pockets after the meal, indirectly coming into contact with whatever was on the table. The next time you sanitize the things you bought from the store, do remember to also sanitize the things you brought out from home.  

#Clothing and Hair

Remember that jeans that you wore yesterday and the day before? The one you throw on your chair so that you can wear it again tomorrow? This might have been normal for you before the pandemic (even though it was still NOT hygienic then), but at times like this, you'd better think twice before wearing the same clothes as you did the last time you went out. As for the ladies out there, although washing your hair daily is a tremendous effort, it's best to still do it every time you're out. Better be safe than sorry!  

Unlike wearing masks and hand washing, these things don't get enough attention. It is really up to us to protect ourselves and the people around us. So, get those wet wipes and alcohol pads out and get to disinfecting!

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