The Easiest Way to Turn Your PDF Into an Editable Word Document



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The Easiest Way to Turn Your PDF Into an Editable Word Document

By MJC97

Let me guess, every time you get a PDF document to fill up, you do one of these two steps:

1. Print out, fill up with pen, then scan and resend the document


2. Google “PDF to Word Doc”, upload your document to the website, convert it, redownload it, edit it and then submit it.

Don’t worry I am not a mind reader, nor have I been stalking you through your bedroom window. I know you’d do one of the two steps because I do them too. 

So, imagine my surprise when I came across this video showing me a MUCH MORE easier way of doing it. YES! I was surprised as you currently are. 

Here I was thinking I am a genius and I’ve cracked the code when there’s another person here living in the future. 

In the TikTok video, the user @farahyn2, simply opened her word document, then dragged the PDF she needs to edit and dropped it on the word doc, enabled editing and tadaaa, she had a fully editable word document. NO SOFTWARE, NO WEBSITE! 

I could not believe my eyes; it was truly too good to be true. So, I was determined to prove her wrong and prove that I was the one who cracked the code. 

Oh, how foolish of me. HER HACK WORKED! 

Goodbye to all my pride, I am now shocked and ashamed that I thought I was so smart out here, uploading documents to PDF converters. 

Anyway, here’s the video for you to refer to and please tell me that I am not the only one feeling a little dumb after watching it. 

PDF to Word Doc pdf Word Document Editable Word Document PDF to Editable Word Document PDF to Word Document


Just another human, trying to survive.



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