Netizens Shocked At How Much This Influencer Tipped His Grab Driver For Not Cancelling On The Booking



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Netizens Shocked At How Much This Influencer Tipped His Grab Driver For Not Cancelling On The Booking

By peachyunnie

Posting via the X platform, Influencer CeddyorNot shared his experience booking a Grab driver today. 

Completely mundane...however, his generosity is definitely out of this world.  
Ceddy says on X that his travel plans included travelling from KLIA to Shah Alam - a long journey indeed. However, just as he predicted, no one was picking up on his booking because of his destination. 

Though it was a far travel, his destination seemed to be more of a problem as he has experienced drivers not wanting to go into Shah Alam before.  
He shares that upon booking his ride, the first driver immediately cancelled on him!

Now onto the second booking; this is where his frustration of the situation arose as the driver ignored him entirely.

"Booked second driver, this one pula sidaikan I, I saw his car stopped here for about 10 minutes so I called him twice, tak nak angkat, messaged him twice tak baca. I pula yang kena cancel," he says.
Third time's the charm clearly as Ceddy is finally able to secure a booking with the third driver!

During ride with the third driver, Ceddy shared with him on what occurred with the previous bookings on Grab. This driver then says that a lot of drivers do this as they do not want to go into Shah Alam, fearing that they might not be able to secure any more bookings there in that specific area.

The Grab driver also shares that a lot of drivers tend to wait for the customer to cancel on the ride instead of cancelling it themselves, which explains why they waste the customer's time by ignoring them till they are annoyed enough to cancel on their own.
As Ceddy reaches home safely, his Grab driver immediately got a job for another booking! 

Saying "HA! Who said theres no job! And its near my house too!! Pasni boleh balik rumah dah!"  
The influencer shares a photo with the driver and a screenshot of his booking with the driver which includes the fare for the journey. 

On top of spending RM75 for the ride, with an additional RM6.80 on toll, Ceddy tipped the grab driver RM50!

His total expenditure on the ride was a huge amount of RM132.  
Netizens were most definitely shocked at the influencer's kind hearted gesture. 

A lot of them praised him, while wishing the best for the Grab driver as well.
However, one netizen did share under Ceddy's post that based on his own personal experience, Grab drivers can usually set a location that they do not want to receive bookings from. Claiming how he is unsure why do drivers not use this feature instead choose to waste a customer's time by not cancelling immediately.  

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