3 Tips To Never Run Out Of Conversation



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3 Tips To Never Run Out Of Conversation

By xweienx

Have you ever met a "conversation ender"? A "topic killer"? Perhaps you are one yourself? It is pretty awkward when someone (or you) always manage to respond in a way there there's no possible continuation. To avoid doing this ever again in the future, you've got to up your conversational skills, and we just happen to have a few tips for that:


1. Choose the Right Topics

When it comes to conversations, selecting the right topics is just as important as knowing how to speak. Talking about your high scores and achievements in a game with someone that doesn't play it will most likely only garner a perfunctory response. So, if you were talk about yourself, be picky about what to tell them, and select something they might know.

Even better, if you are able to choose a topic that the other person loves, then all you have to do is listen to them go on about it. You'll not have to think of a follow-up for at least a few minutes and they'll truly enjoy this conversation.


2. Use Different Time Horizons

Sometimes, the topic comes to something that is happening in the now, and if not handled properly, then the conversation will come to a halt. For example, if you were at the pub and your friend says "this song is pretty nice!" and you respond with "yeah, I agree", you'll probably spend the rest of the night staring at each other and your watches.

But, if you manage to think about different time horizons, you might come up with different answers that will incite further excitement and response from your friend.

"Yeah, I just heard of it last night as I was doing..." 

(they might about the thing you were doing)

"Yeah, but I like some of their older songs from a few years ago."

(they might want to talk about the good old days)

"Yeah, did you go to their concert last month?"

(maybe they did, maybe they didn't, else start talking concerts you've been to)


3. Try to Always Respond With A Question

If you truly want to stop being the end of small talk, then you've gotta be quick on your feet and always respond with a question. This way, you keep the ball in their court and you get talk about the topic on a deeper level instead of just skimming through it. So, the next time your friend says "[This brand] just released their limited edition lipsticks", don't just say it's nice, ask them why it was limited edition or how they might try to get it.


Speaking and conversing is a form of art, and the more you practice, the better you're going to get at it. If you can integrate these tips in your daily conversation, you'll never be the one to end a conversation ever again. However, if you realize that the person only replies is short answers, perhaps they're not that interested in continuing the conversation anyway.

conversation talking


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