4 Tips For Better Reading Habits



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4 Tips For Better Reading Habits

By xweienx

Reading is nothing but beneficial to us. It can help us expand our knowledge and form world views. It can expose us to different ideas and give us motivation. Compared to scrolling through social media or watching a TV show, reading for just half an hour a day has phenomenal impacts to our lives. If you read regularly or are planning to start reading, here are some ways to make the most out of each book.


#Preview the Book

For most people, completing a book may take days or even weeks, therefore it is important to know about the book you are going to read and decide if it is worth committing to. Books can also be expensive and buying a book just for the cover or design might not be such a good idea. Not all books are made equal and not all books are made for everyone.

Websites like Goodreads.com include details, ratings, and reviews about millions of books which should help you decide. There is also usually a preview and the back of the book, so be sure to read that before deciding to purchase one.


#Book Notes

Even if you despise taking notes back when you were studying, preparing book notes for the books you read will help you create a better and longer lasting impression on them. You can start by answering these 3 questions before, during, and after your read.


Why did you choose this book to begin with? What got you to buy the book or flip onto the first page? The book could be a tool you needed for your academic projects, it could also be something recommended by a person you love. Either way, understanding the motivation behind starting a book will make it easier to follow through and finish it.


What key information or lessons have you learnt from each chapter? Summarizing them into 1 or 2 sentences would be more than enough.


How would you now apply the lessons and values you've learnt in the book into your daily life? Of course, if you are a fan of fictional books, then this might not be as straightforward, but you can think specific traits you can learn or avoid from the characters.



If a particular sentence, paragraph, or even word strikes a chord in your heart, write them down onto a journal. If you're particularly artsy, you can even consider drawing out the scene that you relate to most from the book. This will help keep important moments and thoughts in mind much better.

#It's OK to Not Finish

Sometimes, the premise and abstract of the book seems encouraging, but the presentation and writing is just not what you're comfortable with. If you find it hard to continue after going through a few chapters, know that it's perfectly OK to stop the book and start a new one. Just be sure to note down why you couldn't finish the book to help you avoid similar situations in the future.


Whatever your age, a reading habit is a great habit to have. Be it just an hour, half an hour, 15 minutes, or even 5, take some time out of the busy day of yours, spend lesser time scrolling mindlessly on social media, and flip some pages!

reading habit book


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