A rather attractive feature on the face, having a definite jawline does carry a rather sexy notion to it.
Unfortunately though, we weren't all blessed with jawlines sharp enough to cut. That being said, there are a number of things we could try out, in order to maybe attain a much better face structure.
Here are 5 things you can do at home, as a means to enhance your jawline.
#1 Collar Bone Backup
While sitting, move your head back and forth repeatedly. Feel your throat contract, relax, make sure your ears are over your shoulders, and keep your head leveled.
3 sets 10 reps for about a half hour, and you're good!
#2 Vowel Sounds
Mouth the alphabets 'O' and 'E' with your lips. Exaggerate and repeat these movements. Do 3 sets of 15.
#3 Chewing Gum
As simple as ABC, chewing gum actually exercises your jaw muscles, giving it a more definite shape. Tightening your jawline and chin area, you work muscles while having a tasty treat.
#4 Chin Lifts
Looking into a mirror, with your mouth closed, push out your lower jaw and lift your lower lip. You'd feel a stretch in your jawline and under your chin. Do 15 reps for 15 seconds every morning.
#5 Jaw Clenches
No direction needed, just clench and unclench for about 15 times, holding for 10 seconds each. Do this on the daily, and you'd see a more toned face before you know it.
Of course, none of these practices will tremendously alter your face. For that, more invasive procedures may be necessary. However, they can work tiny wonders, if you put in the effort. So, give it a go!