5 Free Online Tools You Wish You Knew Earlier as A Student | Some Are Still Useful in the Workplace



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5 Free Online Tools You Wish You Knew Earlier as A Student | Some Are Still Useful in the Workplace

By Harriet

Wonder why some of your classmates can finish their assignments super-fast and efficiently? They might have gotten some help from useful websites or Chrome add-ons. Let’s find out what’s their secret!

1) Grammarly

Grammarly is the virtual grammar police that corrects your grammar as soon as you typed them out. The AI-driven digital writing assistance tool would also make sure your writings are clear and effective through analyzing the tone and sequence of your writings. Hence, no more typos or awkward sentences!


The Google Chrome add-on is extremely useful in replying to emails under time constraints when you don’t have time to re-read what you’ve read. 

2) Canva

Get professional-looking presentation slides in minutes, even without using sophisticated software. Canva simplifies the designing process for visual representations of data, posters, and other graphics. 


The drag-and-drop options, ample icon selections, and relevant templates allowed non-graphically inclined people to design professional-looking works. It also includes photo-editing and short video clip-making features too. 

3) Evernote

Evernote provides a secure source for storing files, photos, and voice memos across devices. It is also compatible with digital assistants Siri and Google. You can share your notes with your assignment group mates too, even if they don’t have an Evernote account themselves. 


Evernote’s browser extension also enables us to capture everything from PDFs to full webpages and other online items. There’s a to-do list reminders function that reminds of important deadlines for assignments and other homework.

4) Thesaurus 

Running out of words? Trying hard to paraphrase the reports to avoid plagiarism? Fret not! Use the thesaurus to look for alternative words. 


It is also a good website to improve your vocabulary where you can explore the words with similar meanings or their antonyms. There’s also word of the day to help you improve your mastery of the English Language. Say no more to repetitive words in our essays!


5) Cite This For Me 

Citations are the trivial yet important part of our research papers or assignments. 


Luckily, there are ways to automate the process! Use Cite This For Me to create citations, reference lists and bibliographies automatically. The referencing style available includes APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard. 

Items 1- 3 are still relevant outside of school, and super useful when you need to fire off some emails or marketing materials. There are many online tools available out there and these are just the essential ones. Hope that you all find the online tools that suit your needs the most and wishing you a pleasant learning journey!

onlinetools canva Grammarly citethisforme thesaurus evernote secret effeciency googlechrome


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