This Group Of M'sian Doctors To Go On Mass Strike In April



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This Group Of M'sian Doctors To Go On Mass Strike In April

By JustineG

There is a social media account called "Mogok Doktor Malaysia," which is mainly composed of contract doctors who have threatened mass resignations and staged a nationwide protest that would draw 8,000 medical professionals.

Instead of staging a protest, the organisers have requested that the doctors go on strike by taking emergency or sick leave from April 3 to April 5.

One of the group representatives spoke up to request that the job strike be conducted calmly because protests or walkouts can be harmful.

It is already known that 8,000 of the anticipated 20,000 contract medical officers would participate in both events next month.

The remaining MOs will take off between April 3 and April 5, while 3000 contract MOs will resign on April 1.

This mass protest aims to solve the lack of specialists, MOs, and house officers, raise the minimum wage and the on-call rate, and hire all contract MOs into permanent posts free of any requirements or interviews.

doctors malaysia viral news strike protest april medical officers


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