In a heartwarming act of kindness, a woman found herself in a difficult situation at a toll booth when her Touch 'n Go (TnG) card malfunctioned, leaving her unable to pay the fee. Fortunately, a Good Samaritan came to her rescue, turning what could have been a frustrating experience into a touching moment of human compassion.
The incident, shared by TikTok user @eidabalqis83, took place on January 2. She recounted how her TnG card unexpectedly stopped working, leaving her stranded at the toll booth for an extended period. While she tried to figure out the issue, the driver of the car in front of her did something unexpected.
@eidabalqis83 semoga dengan kuasa viral harap dapat jumpa mamat ni nak cakap terima kasih dan nak belanja dia minum, petang tadi kita tersekat palang tol tak tauu nape card tak boleh nak tap. lama jugak laa sangkut situ , tetiba nampak kereta depan kita ni double signal reverse balik, padahal dia dh lepas tol dari tadi. Pemandu tuu berlari keluar ingt kenapa rupanya dia nak tolong kita. dia tap pakai card dia dan suruh kita jalan. arghhh malu kita tauu. terima kasih org baik
Kekasih Bayangan - Cakra Khan
After passing through the toll, the driver activated his hazard lights and reversed back toward her. He then exited his vehicle, much to the woman's confusion. It soon became clear that the man was there to help. Using his own TnG card, he paid her toll fee, allowing her to continue her journey.
Overwhelmed by the mans selfless act, the woman took to TikTok to express her gratitude. She also called on netizens to help her locate the kind stranger.
"Hopefully, with the power of virality, Ill be able to find this guy. I just want to say thank you and treat him to a drink," she said.
The video quickly gained attention, with many praising the man for his thoughtfulness and generosity. Comments flooded in with users applauding the act and expressing hope that the woman would find the kind-hearted individual.