Here is what happen when you take a glass of red wine daily?



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Here is what happen when you take a glass of red wine daily?

By what she says

Red Wine is a type of wine made from crushing and fermented dark coloured, whole grapes. The actual color can be range from intense violet, typical of young wines through to brick red for mature wines and brown for older red wine. Common varieties include Shiraz, Merlot, Carbenet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir and Zinfandel, vary in taste and color. The alcohol content ranges from 12% to 15%.

The health of benefit drinking red wine been debated for quite some time. Many would believe that a glass daily is valuable of a healthy diet, and while others think wine is overrated. Research studies shown that moderate red wine consumption seems to lower the risk of several diseases, including heart disease.

Consuming moderate amounts of red wine shown to have health benefits, mainly due to its high content of powerful antioxidants.

1. It benefits your waistline

Drinking wine before meal increase satiety, in other words, it makes you feel more satisfied. Therefore, you will less likely to over-eat. When you are planning to relax with a glass, don't forget: wine is like any healthy meal. Quickly add up, so pour into a measuring cup first if you are counting calories.

Research found, moderate wine drinkers have narrower waists and less abdominal fat than people who drink liquor. It encourages your body to burn extra calories for as long as 90 minutes after you down a glass.

2. It can sharpen your mind

Wine could preserve your memory. Wine helps prevent clots and reduce blood vessel inflammation, both of which been linked to cognitive decline and heart disease. Regular drinkers are at lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline. That's due to the plant-antioxidant compounds called flavanoids that are present in the skins of grapes used to make wine.

Red wine raise HDL, the good cholesterol, which helps to unclog your arteries. Research also suggest a glass of red wine a night, is the most sweet spot. Research study on women in their 70's, those who drink a glass or two daily scored much better than those who drink less or not at all.

3. Boost your body's defense

Those who drink a glass of red wine daily reduced by 11% their risk of infection Helicobacter pylori bacteria, a major cause of gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancers. A little's half a glass may also guard against food poisoning caused by gems like salmonella when people are exposed to contaminated food.

4. For beautiful and healthy skin

Red wine contains antioxidants which are essential for our body that slow aging as well as help you reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Red wine also contains melatonin, which can help you sleep peacefully. Remember, you should drink it just once in a while.

A glass wine with dinner improved blood sugar control in those type 2-diabetes. Alcohol appears to boost estrogen levels; the hormone seems to slow the body's destruction of old bone more than it slows the production of new bone.

5. To breathe easy

If you drink red wine regularly or a glass daily, would eventually prevent you face down with cold and breathing problem because of blocked nose. Report in America Journal of Epidemiology claims that those drink red wine had 44% fewer colds than those who did not.

6. For a long, happy life

Long terms population studies have linked moderate alcohol drinking lead to longer life. People who tend to have moderate drinking have healthy behaviors. (diet packed with a plant-based foods and low in saturated fats or regular exercises). So pair a glass wine with healthy meal and head to gym the next day.

7. Raising a glass lifts your spirit

People who had a glass of wine in an unpleasant environment experienced the same level of mood improvement as people who tee totaled in a more pleasant environment. Research has linked moderate alcohol intake to a better mood.

These are the benefits of red wine. Here, you can start consider of taking a glass red wine daily for your health. However, a word of caution to all friends out there. You should drink in moderation; about 150ml of red wine is an ideal serving, and it should be consume by healthy people only. For those who suffer any disease, please consult with doctor before start consuming.

Picture Source: Google & weheartit

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