Love them or hate them- moles are pretty much everywhere on your skin. Some rock them as a beauty marks, while some rather get them lasered off for good!
Put some meaning to your tiny spot & maybe it doesn't have to be that bad after all. Here's what the moles on your body means depending where they are.
Left shoulder- You're arrogant & get into fights frequently.
Right shoulder- You're courageous & wise.
Chest- You've strong sensual tendencies.
Right breast (women)- You have a lot of bad habits.
Left breast (women)-You're really good at maintaining healthy relationships.
Right breast (men)- You face financial struggles frequently.
Left breast (men)- You are clever but really poor at maintaining healthy relationships with friends & family.
Anywhere on neck- You've high possibility of getting stressed out fast.
Front of neck- You've got a good voice, a lot of luck & artistry.
Back of neck- You're aggressive, anti-social & often get angry easily.
Right hand- You're intelligent & good at completing tasks.
Left hand- You dream of being rich & making it big, BUT you're actually living a very average life.
Any fingers- You're unlucky, always exaggerating & untrustworthy.
Left or right palm- You'll face obstacles & challenges in life.
So, there you go, embrace your little beauty spot!