The Mayr Method | Solid Weight Loss Plan That Rebel Wilson Swears By!



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Health & Fitness

The Mayr Method | Solid Weight Loss Plan That Rebel Wilson Swears By!

By m7py

If you know Rebel Wilson, you've probably seen the extraordinary weight loss that got her losing more than 27 kg in 2020. While we were crying over the never-ending lockdown, she was going on a healthy transformation. 

Here's her most-talked secret for a remarkable diet plan: the Mayr Method.

The Mayr Method is n over 100-year old technique for healthy weight loss. Basically, you combine smaller portions, plant-based foods & walking daily. And, that's it! You'll practice a gentle but consistent calorie-burning every day. 

Most importantly, avoid added sugars & stress-eating especially junk food. The best part of the Mayr Method is it's not a strict or specific diet. Instead, you approach a way of diet and exercise that is gentle on your body. 

Here are some keys dos & don'ts if you're planning to follow this Method:

Eat and drink:

1. Alkaline high foods - fruits, vegetables, legumes & beans

2. High-protein foods - tofu, edamame, lentils, beans, nuts & seeds

3. Raw foods before 4 pm & cooked food after 4 pm 

4. Wine with dinner, but don't go overboard


1. Dairy

2. Gluten

3. Processed food

4. Too many carbs

5. Big portions

6. Feeling stressed

Start exercising every second or third day to the point where you're sweating lightly. Try low-pressure and low impact activities such as:

1. Walking

2. Hiking

3. Ballet

4. Gymnastics

5. Sports 

6. Running

7. Supervised weight training

8. Pilates

9. Aerobic exercises

10. Cycling

11. Yoga

You can easily incorporate the Mayr Method as a part of your life. So, do try it yourself & see if it works for you. 

Weightloss dietplan health REBELWILSON


Thank you for reading!



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