Since this year Muslims celebrating Raya are finally allowed to balik kampung and gather with their families after 2 years of not being able to do so, it is safe to say that all of them will be doing so. While this is all very exciting and fun, what actually lies ahead of you is a long and dreadful journey on the highways, filled with cars jamming it up the whole way home.
So, the biggest obstacle you'd have to overcome this entire trip besides the traffic jam is the BOREDOM! It is going to be hours of being cooped up in a small car with not much space to move about. So what are you going to do?
Well, here are some of the activities you can partake in with other family members in the vehicles:
Disclaimer: This is just for laughs and giggles... Don't attempt in real life.
#1 Play some Chinese chess
#2 Harmless gambling
#3 Put up you hammock and have a comfortable nap!
#4 Practice some Lee Chong Wei badminton moves
#5 Karaoke (psst.. pack some outfits for a quick outfit change!)
#6 Go full-on La La Land!
#7 Literally go fly a kite!
#8 Traffic Jam OOTD
#9 Make friends with people in the car next to you
#10 Cook on your car engine
Here's a Gordon Ramsey recipe for you to try:
#11 Complete a puzzle
#12 Exercise
#13 Pedicure and manicure
What do you think you will be doing while waiting for the traffic to clear up? Share your answers in the comments section!