Tips for Your Neck Skin Care | The Skin below Your Face Gets Neglected Easily.



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Tips for Your Neck Skin Care | The Skin below Your Face Gets Neglected Easily.

By Y09魚

You've dedicated a decent amount of time to taking care of the skin on your face, but years of neglecting the skin below your face. There is an article shared about “one neckline is on behalf of 10 years old”, so how many necklines do you have? Due to aging and the loss of collagen, it is easy to make the necklines appear. Here are some neck skin care tips for you to keep your neck young:  

Tip 01: Exfoliate

Exfoliate not only removes the dead skin cells but able to stimulates cell turnover and the production of collagen, which are the two factors to maintain a youthful-looking neckline.  

Tip 02: Treat

The skin on the neck is prone to early signs of aging, dark spots and wrinkles. While using the anti-aging skin care products on your face, extend it onto your neck, which will help to plump and firm the skin. Do not forget the back of your neck, the skin over back is a little tougher but it’s exposed to sun damage as well and it deserves some nourishment.  

Tip 03: Protect

You protect your face from the sun by applying SPF, apply it on the skin on your neck as well! Necks are often the first place that shows signs of sun damage. Apply whatever SPF you used on your face all the way down to your neck to ensure proper protection.  

Tip 04: Remove makeup from neck

Do this while removing face makeup as neck contain pores like how face do. Makeup blocks the pores and causes dull and sagging neck skin. Remove makeup from the neck skin with a cotton ball that dipped in makeup remover with upwards strokes only.  

Give your neck the same pamper treatment that you gave to your face every day and night, you are going to get some preventative and restorative results on your neglected neck after applying these tips!

neck skincare tipsforskincare


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