‘Unique’ Traditions & Cultural Norms In South Korea That Every Tourist Should Know About



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‘Unique’ Traditions & Cultural Norms In South Korea That Every Tourist Should Know About

By Pineapplesz

South Korea is undoubtedly a unique country especially with the rapid growth of the Korean pop culture wave. We got to learn the cultural differences and unique traditions of the country. However, there are some strange traditions and cultural norms that are common among the locals but might cause a culture shock to foreigners.

So, lets learn some of these not-so-common Korean traditions and cultural norms to avoid any major cultural shock:

> DVD Room


Whatever it is that you know about DVDs, throw it away. This is not your typical DVD room. South Korea's DVD room is a business where you can rent a dark private room. You pick a movie, rest and hangout and do other things. If you know what we mean.

> Kimchi Fridge


Yes, a kimchi fridge is a thing in Korea. Every Korean household has a special refrigerator to store their kimchi. A kimchi fridge is not like the conventional refrigerator because it's colder, helps with fermentation and it can store kimchi for a very long time.

> Seaweed Soup for Birthdays


It is a tradition to eat seaweed soup for their birthdays because when a mother gives birth, she eats seaweed as a postpartum meal. Packed with nutrients, seaweed helps to detoxify and nourishes the body. 

> 3 Shades of Foundation


Back in the day, there were only three shades of foundation in Korea which are shade 21, 23, and 25. Just tell the beauty worker which of the three shades you are and they will understand what type of skin tone you have. But not to worry guys because nowadays they have broadened the range of shades.

> Guest Rentals


Koreans hire strangers on the street to attend family events, weddings and other occasions. This is to fill up the seats at the event in order to uphold the perfect image of their social events. Assuming they will provide free food, where do we sign up? 

> Grow Out Your Hair Quicker


Hair oils and serums, be gone! Just watch p*rn if you want your hair to grow quicker. You might be confused when you hear this but Koreans believe that watching p*rn would make your hair grow faster. This is not scientifically proven though, it's just something that Koreans say.

> Conception Dream


Koreans have this belief that conception dreams can determine the gender of the baby in the tummy. The dreams foretell the gender and usually it would be dreamt by the mother or somebody that is very close to the mother. 

> Free Service


K-Drama lovers probably would've heard this word being said in restaurants. Service means free complimentary service or items to stand out from competition. Usually it would be free drinks or even another order of dish. So don't be worried if they give you something that you didn't order. 

> Bean Rice


Kong-Bap or rice with beans are not a favourite among Koreans. It symbolises imprisonment where Kong-Bap was served in jail because it was cheaper than white rice. Although beans promote health, Koreans don't like Kong-Bap. Especially the elders.

> Lucky Nose


Gather around round-nosed beauties! Did you know that Koreans call round noses a lucky nose? Big and rounded nose resembles money in Korean culture. It represents good luck. Is this weird?

Do you find any of the above weird or not? Comment below.

Credits: jinathegorgeous (IG)

southkorea korea tradition culture Tourist norms


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