There's nothing wrong with rewarding yourself every once in a while. For the girl on a budget, when it comes to luxury bags, the brands that come to mind would perhaps be Gucci or Coach. However, there's a hidden gem from Scotland and it's taking over the Internet with their affordable luxury handbags. That brand is Strathberry!
After having their fair share of drama, Strathberry was refounded in 2015 by its original owners. It focuses on creating accessibly priced (you can get one at around RM2000) luxury leather handbags with clean, minimal design. One of the many reasons it has risen in popularity is because Meghan Markle (yes, that Meghan Markle) has been seen using it. If you're planning to get one, here are some to consider:
1. Lana Osette Bucket Bag
You can't take an #OOTD without a bucket bag. This cute sized bucket bag is made up of butter soft leather. A huge variety of easy-to-match colors allow you to present your own unique style, whether you are carrying it in hand or crossbody. At RM2060, this handcrafted bucket bag is definitely a steal!
2. S Bag
Thanks to its dual-length leather strap, whether you carry it crossbody or just over the shoulder, the S bag never fails to bring out the elegance in you. The signature S hardware subtly gets some attention too. A tiny purse and power bank will definitely fit, just be sure not to spoil the soft microfiber lining. This 100% Bovine leather, made in Spain bag only costs RM2535, and it'll work in the office or to a dinner date!
3. Box Crescent
The navy and soft pink combination is the definition of fashion. The colors are definitely a weakness for the little girl inside all of us, and the RM2715 price tag will make even more sense. A wide leather belt makes it suitable for work, while the sleek chain means play at night, making this the perfect all-day bag. You're not going to have trouble looking for an outfit to match this!
A little more than RM2000 for a handcrafted luxury leather handbag, with multiple colors to choose from to best fit your wardrobe, what's not to like? For the girl on the budget, head over to their official website now and they ship all the way to Malaysia! Get your own Strathberry today!