Reasons Behind Oedema/ Swelling | 3 Foods That Can Prevent Swelling



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Reasons Behind Oedema/ Swelling | 3 Foods That Can Prevent Swelling

By Jada

Do you ever feel discouraged when you still cannot achieve slimming effects even you have tried hard to lose weight? It could be due to the problem of oedema (swelling caused by excess fluid trapped in the body). Below are the 5 ways to remove excess moisture from your body.

1. Get Full Sleep Of 8 Hours A Day

Do you know that staying up late will lead to weight gain? Staying up late will continuously stimulate your sympathetic nerves, which will cause the kidneys to forcibly retain water in your body. If we do not rest properly at night, blood circulation will be disrupted and it will cause oedema.  

2. Do Physical Exercise 

Lack of physical exercise can decrease the strength of our muscles and lead to poor circulation of body fluid. Our legs usually will swell (due to gravity) at night. This type of oedema is temporary and it will disappear as long as you take a hot bath at night or soak your feet in hot water. If you think that the effect of massage is not significant, you may try jogging to keep your body active and eliminate oedema.    

3. Massage 

Girls who like to wear high-heeled shoes usually will suffer from swollen soles on their feet. It is recommended to use the knuckles of the index finger to press the acupuncture point on the soles of the feet daily before going to bed in order to relax the soles of the feet and eliminate oedema.    

4. Reduce Intake Of Salt

Foods sold in restaurants are often high in sodium and sodium will retain water. Hence, the body will accumulate too much water and cause oedema. If you want to reduce oedema, it is recommended to have a light diet to reduce salt intake.    

5. Drink Water Regularly 

Drinking water will not cause oedema. On the contrary, the lack of water in the body causes the excess water in the cells to be unsuccessfully removed out from our body and cause oedema. It is recommended to drink a glass of warm water every morning after getting up and set a basic goal of drinking 2000cc of water daily.    

Foods That Are Effective Eliminating Oedema

1. Red Beans 

Red beans are rich in vitamins B1, B2, protein, a variety of minerals, and saponins that can stimulate the intestines and help us to achieve a good diuretic effect.      

2. Banana 

Bananas are rich in potassium. Potassium can help excrete sodium in the body, and moisturize skin tone. Moreover, bananas can help constipation and prevent oedema.    

3. Lemonade

Drinking a glass of lemonade every day can help you to achieve a whitening effect and prevent swelling. It exists in the menu of the weight-loss recipe of many actresses. Most of them cannot do without lemonade.    

#redbean #banana #lemonade


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