M'sian Man Shares the Biggest Differences Between Working in New Zealand and M'sia, and Netizens Couldn't Agree More!



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M'sian Man Shares the Biggest Differences Between Working in New Zealand and M'sia, and Netizens Couldn't Agree More!


In a recent Twitter thread, user Alf shared his experiences of working in New Zealand compared to their previous employment in Malaysia and it instantly went viral. He compared the workplace culture of both countries and here are the details of his observations:

Working Hours 

One notable difference is the work culture, where punctuality in starting and ending work hours is emphasized, and everyone leaves promptly at 3:30 PM. Additionally, there is no work-related WhatsApp group that disrupts personal time.


Sick Leaves

Another significant contrast is the flexibility in taking sick leave. In New Zealand, employees can take sick leave without disclosing the specific illness or providing a medical certificate.


Acceptance Of Diversity

The mandatory diversity and anti-bullying courses for all employees stand out as a positive aspect of the work environment.



Moreover, there is no noticeable hierarchy between regular staff, team leaders, and managers in day-to-day work matters.


Dress Code

Even in government departments, the dress code is relatively flexible, allowing some employees to wear shorts (excluding front office staff).


Break Time

New Zealand also has a 10-minute break law, requiring companies to provide paid 10-minute breaks every two hours of work.


These insights into the contrasting work cultures and job benefits have not only ignited discussions but also increased the admiration of Malaysians for those who have the opportunity to work in New Zealand. The experiences shared by Alf provide valuable information for individuals considering employment opportunities in the country, further fueling the fascination with New Zealand's work environment.

work new Zealand malaysia


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