A Singaporean man has been caught in an undisclosed fight with a local man, whereby the former was seen lashing out with a cane in the attempted attack.
The incident reportedly broke out in the middle of a busy road, much to the shock of other road users.
A recording showed the two other men trying to confront the Mitsubishi driver, before he was then seen stepping out of his car with a cane in his hand to retaliate.
In a rage, he then lunged towards the man on the left and attempted to hit him using the cane.
The case is now pending investigation as police are still gathering sufficient information.
Gaduh guna tongkat di lebuh raya, polis sahkan terima satu laporan
— Ellayrose Norddin (@EllayroseN) February 11, 2024
MUAR: Polis mengesahkan video tular memaparkan pergaduhan membabitkan pengguna jalan raya termasuk ada yang dilihat menggunakan tongkat kayu, berlaku di Kilometer 139.6 Lebuhraya Utara-Selatan, dekat Pagoh, di s pic.twitter.com/FXG5ePrctb