Untruths On COVID-19: Do Not Believe These Myths



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Untruths On COVID-19: Do Not Believe These Myths

By littlelife35

As the COVID-19 pandemic has become a global concern, we have heard of many facts about various methods that we can protect ourselves from being infected by the virus. However, are these theories true? Could we trust them or are they merely fabrications and lies? Here are some of the myths that we should not believe in.


1. A hot bath

Some believe that taking a hot bath will kill all the viruses in their body. However, there are multiple flaws to this theory as we do not know how hot the water should be. Neither do we know the timing nor the frequency we should take a hot bath to be able to kill all the germs on our body.

We should also be aware that taking a hot bath may cause scalding and burn injuries as we pour hot water onto our skin.


2. Hand dryers

There have been stories about hand dryers killing all types of bacteria and viruses on our hand and that it is very helpful in preventing the spread of the virus.

But is it effective in killing the novel coronavirus? Should we not follow the guidelines by the health ministry instead to wash our hands frequently and use hand sanitizers to maintain proper hygiene?


3. Alcohol and chlorine

Alcohol and chlorine are well known for their efficacy in killing microorganisms and some have suggested spraying alcohol and chlorine all over our body to prevent being infected by the virus.

However, alcohol and chlorine have also been reported to cause multiple side effects including skin irritation. Prolonged exposure to alcohol and chlorine by continuously spraying them all over our body can probably lead to further serious side effects.


4. Garlic

We have often heard of the home remedy where we will eat raw garlic to cure the flu and cold and it is true that garlic has some antimicrobial properties. However, evidence that recommends this method is lacking and it has not to be proved that garlic is effective in curing COVID-19.


5. Antibiotics

We have often been prescribed antibiotics when we have a fever and we would have thought that we will be treated with a course of antibiotics as well for COVID-19. However, antibiotics have been shown to have no effect on all viruses and are only beneficial when used for infections that is of a bacterial nature.


There are many more myths about COVID-19 that you could find on the WHO website. Do check it out and learn the right ways to protect yourself from COVID-19. Do not follow methods that are ineffective and which may even bring harm to our body. Be wise and put a stop to the spreading of myths on COVID-19.

myths covid19 protect untruths


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