In order to reduce plastic pollution in the country, the Malaysian government will start implementing a compulsory RM0.20 charge for each plastic bag in accordance with the "No Plastic Bag" campaign, which has been practiced since last year.
According to BERNAMA, Environment and Water Minister Datuk Seri Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man has received the mandate that requires all local governments to start imposing such charges to promote consumer awareness throughout the country.
In a statement, he expressed, "This initiative that has been implemented since 2021 is an effective effort in reducing plastic pollution in Malaysia. I hope this initiative will continue to be supported by all parties for the sake of environmental sustainability which is our shared responsibility." (Source: The Malaysian Reserve)
It's time to ditch plastic bags and start carrying tote bags to your next grocery runs! What do you think of this campaign? Do share your thoughts in the comment section!