Studying | What Is Your Learning Style?



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Studying | What Is Your Learning Style?

By Jess07125

Ever wondered why some people can get better grades during exams with minimal effort? Why did you study your hardest and still fail to achieve your desired results? Well, dear reader, you have come to the right place.

Study methods and learning styles can influence one's ability to understand, remember, and recall information. There are 7 types of learning styles. It is recommended to take a "Memletics Learning Styles Questionnaire" to find out what your actual learning style is.

Here is a sample test to take to find out your learning style. The test consists of 70 questions.

The Website link is available here.
The PDF link is available here.  
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1. Visual Learners

Visual learners are encouraged to include images, pictures, colors, and other visual media to help you learn better. If you are a visual learner, you will find that you could easily visualize things that are described to you.

Some learning techniques to use for visual learners is to visualize your information by making mind maps, systemic diagrams, and visual stories when learning.

2. Aural Learners

Aural learners like to work with sound or music in the background and they tend to have a good sense of pitch and rhythm. If you are an aural learner, you typically can sing, play a musical instrument, or identify the sounds of different sources. 

Some learning techniques to use for aural learners are to play certain music or sounds in the background when studying or recite what you are studying out loud so you can listen to what you are learning. It is also encouraged for you to have voice recordings of your classes and lectures as you learn and remember most when you listen to something familiar.

3. Verbal Learners

Verbal learners find it easy to express themselves either in writing or verbally or both. 
Some learning techniques for verbal learners is to involve more speaking and writing. Speaking and writing out materials that you are studying will help you understand better and therefore remember it.

Word-based techniques could also be useful by making rhymes and rhythms into your study. Thus, mnemonics will be your new best friend! Also, speak your study materials out loud as if you are telling a story or giving a speech instead of going monotone. It'll not only make your study more fun for you, but it'll also help you remember what you studied.  
Photo source: Ms. Everaoh

4. Logical Learners

Logical learners like to use their brain for logical and mathematical reasoning.

They are able to recognize patterns easily, as well as connections and relationships between seemingly meaningless content. This could help them classify and group information to help learn or understand it.

If you are a logical learner, you like to work through problems in a systemic way.

Some learning techniques for logical learners is to make lists of important information to come up with a logical connection between them. Also, make use of "systems thinking" to help understand the links between different parts of a system or information. But the advice for logical learners is to look at things in the bigger picture when you are stuck and do not overanalyze things.

5. Physical Learners

Physical learners are more sensitive to the physical world around them and use their bodies and sense of touch to learn about the environment around them. They like to think about issues, ideas, and problems when they are engaging in physical activity. 

Some learning techniques for physical learners are to use physical senses like touch, action, movement, or hands-on work when possible. It will be easier for you to learn as you visualize and feel your senses that you would expect from each scenario. This could come in handy when you need to remember a procedure. It is also useful for you to use mind maps when learning as it involves writing and drawing which are physical actions.   
Photo source: Medium

6. Solitary Learners

Solitary learners are more private, introspective, and independent.
They are able to concentrate well on the information that they are learning by focusing their thoughts and feelings on the current topic. They prefer to learn alone using self-study. When spending time with an instructor or a teacher, they often only clarify the information that they aren't able to clarify. Also, they may dislike learning in groups.

Some learning techniques for solitary learners is to understand your learning objectives clearly and remember to ask for help when you need it. Besides that, you should show interest in the topics that you are studying as well.

7. Social Learners

Social learners are very good at communicating with the people around them. Thus they prefer to study in classes or groups.

Some learning techniques for social learners is to form study groups when learning. You could also teach others what you have studied to recall your memory about the information and also have clarity with others.
Photo source: Mainframe Debate

There you have it. The 7 types of learners so find out which one are you now and start learning in the way that suits you the best!

Cover photo: still-stu-dying || styledress

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