We‘re sure by now you’ve heard the news— MCO violators will likely face a RM 10K fine, which is a staggering increase from the previous fine imposed. This new development of regulations triggered some intense reactions from Malaysians, especially on Twitter.
This pretty much sums up our initial reaction upon hearing the news. It'd be rather curious to see how this newly implemented rule will play out in the next couple of months— will stricter rules prove to be effective, or will it just add another burden to a community that's already suffering?
Vague SOPs have been the bane of our existence ever since the pandemic bore its ugly teeth. Would it be fair to punish those who themselves fail to understand what they're being punished for?
You know it's bad when even a member of the parliament had to step up and express their disagreement.
Many are clearly displeased by the implementation of the RM 10K fine, which is seen as an extreme scare tactic by the government, and well, will it finally prove its effectiveness in curbing the pandemic? Let's play a game of wait and see.