6 Exceptionally Good Movies on Netflix That Are Based on True Asian Stories



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6 Exceptionally Good Movies on Netflix That Are Based on True Asian Stories

By MJC97

Do you know that feeling we get when we go to the theatre to watch a new movie and suddenly this pops up on the screen?


We get a little chill down our spine and our eyes widen in amazement and anticipation. 

Why do most of us like moves based on true stories, though? Is it the curiosity or is it merely for entertainment? 

We think that most of us like these types of movies because it inspires us and shows us how anyone, even an average joe, can be someone and can achieve something. 

Here are some movies that were based on true Asian stories.

1. Ip Man

This film franchise is based on an actual Chinese martial artist and grandmaster of the martial art Wing Chun. He was also martial arts legend, Bruce Lee’s teacher. 

While the storylines of these films are only loosely based on real events and the fight scenes might be slightly exaggerated, it has just enough of drama, conflict and action that will get you hooked. 

This film franchise is best for those who love watching Chinese martial art fight scenes and love drama.

Instead of including all 4 trailers, we decided to include one of the most iconic fighting scenes in the whole franchise. 

2. The Iron Ladies 

This is another film franchise that is based on a volleyball team that won Thailand’s Male National Championships in 1996. 

What so great about a male team winning a volleyball championship you might ask. 

Well, honey, before you scroll, let me answer your question. 

The team that we’re talking about consisted of mostly transsexuals, transvestites, and effeminate gay guys. AND this happened in 1996 when most homosexuals had to stay in the closet in fear of their lives.

3. Kartini Princess of Java

This slice-of-life movie is about a rebellious princess fighting against the patriarchal norms in the Indonesian society for the education of women in the early 1900s. 

Watching this movie will give you an insight of the struggles that Indonesian women had to go through back in the 1900s. 

Women weren’t allowed to go to school, forced into marriage with  strangers, and for a woman from anoble family like Kartini, there was a tradition called ‘dipingit’ or seclusion where they weren't allowed to leave their homes after reaching a certain age. 

Imagine that! Its like MCO but like for the rest of your lives and without the internet, without a TV and without any technology. OMG, how could we ever survive this?

Watch how this woman fought againts all the societal norms and became a national hero and a pioneer of women’s education in Indonesia.

Maybe it will inspire you to go do something that can make a difference instead of just buying bubble tea and lazing around at home.

4. Wasao

A heart-warming tale based on a true story of an abandoned Akita dog that plays himself in the movie!

Before watching the movie, we recommend you get a box of tissues and a big bottle of water to rehydrate yourself after crying until your eyes dry up. 

Watch how this former stray dog finds a new home and makes connections with the people around him.

5. Lion

This is a feel-good movie that we all need after a long week of deadlines and stress. 

It tells the true story of a five-year old Indian boy who gets lost hundreds of kilometres away from his home and family that gets adopted by an Australian couple. 

After 25 years, he uses the latest technology at that time, Google Earth, and a handful of scattered memories to retrace his steps and find his long-lost family and home. 

Disclamer: This will also require a box of tissues.

6. Dangal

Another movie based on a true story about how Mahavir Phogat a Haryanavi wrestler trains his daughter to become world-class wrestlers after failing to win a gold medal for his country.

Dangal also holds a mirror up to the way women are treated in the Indian society and how Mahavir Phogat wanted his daughters to have better future than becoming stereotypical housewives. 

A truly inspiring story of breaking out of the boxes that society puts women into.

asian movies basedontrue netflix asianstories truestory


Just another human, trying to survive.



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