M'sian Reached Out To GrabFood In Tears To Complain About “Tauge” In His Laksa, And This Is How They Responded:



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M'sian Reached Out To GrabFood In Tears To Complain About “Tauge” In His Laksa, And This Is How They Responded:

By Ayunie

If you're a picky eater, there's nothing more frustrating than waiting eagerly in anticipation for your food orders to arrive at your door, only to find out they've ignored your specific instruction :(


Well, that's recently what happened to one unfortunate GrabFood customer who was quite clearly heartbroken after finding out his laksa bowl was garnished with beansprouts, even though he had specifically asked to exclude the worm-looking vegetables from his order. Understandably, this could make a grown man cry. To amend his bruised expectations, he decided to reach out to GrabFood Help Centre.




A simple complaint equipped with a "tear-streaming-down-my-face" photo evidence was then sent over. At this point, it is quite evident just how big of an impact the existence of beansprouts in his laksa has affected this poor man. Here's what happened next: 



Yay! A happy ending for the tear-stricken man in the end. GrabFood was generous enough to give this poor customer a full refund, and the man was overjoyed, to say the least. 

Don't we just love wholesome stories like this? Have you experienced a similar happy incident? Do share with us!

Source: Facebook

grabfood help centre picky eater BeanSprouts wholesome


Matcha-fueled Aries reporting for duty.



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