Things You Should Do When the MCO is Lifted



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Things You Should Do When the MCO is Lifted

By 贱李

If and When the MCO is Lifted

           The coronavirus has struck fear in our hearts and brought despair to all. Never has there been a pandemic of such magnitude in recent times that brought the whole world to its knees.

Since there is no cure as the vaccine has not been found as of now, it is up to us to keep the virus at bay by adopting some simple habits. Having done all that we can do and to strike a balance between our health concerns and economic viability, we are keeping our fingers crossed that the MCO will be lifted soon, albeit with certain safeguards in check.

Photo source: freepik

          As the virus is still around, once the MCO is lifted the following are what I am still going to do as good hygiene and social distancing are two utmost priorities to break the chain of infection:

        1 We should still adopt the 3Ws which are Wash, Wear, and Warn. 

- After touching anything outside we should wash our hands with soap and if that is not possible, use sanitizer to clean our hands. 

- We should still be wearing masks when we are outside working or running errands. 

- We should also not shake hands or hug or pat our acquaintances but instead greet them with our right hands on our chests or other contactless gestures. 

- If we sneeze or cough we should make sure we don’t do it in the direction of others and stay out of the way when others cough or sneeze. 

- As the virus is still out there and is airborne, we never know who can transmit the disease to us. Even though we may be healthy, there is no knowing if the people we come into contact with can infect us. As of now, there are still new clusters coming up beside the successive generation infections.

         #2 We should also avoid the 3Cs which are crowded, confined places and close contact/conversation with others. 

- All should not rush to the wet markets or shopping centres to get your supplies. Then there will be long queues and people will jostle with each other especially in unguarded places like the wet markets, with dire consequences. We can still order some of our supplies online and wait for delivery as well as buy in bulk and not go out so often.

- Working from home should be encouraged, where possible. Some companies have work rotation schedules whereby half the workforce work alternate weeks. This is also keeping in tandem with the concept of avoiding crowds. 

- If possible, we should cook our own food or if you are at work, take-away or order online delivery unless of course there is no proper space at work to eat.

         We have come so far in our fight against this virus and do not let our subsequent actions create another wave and waste all our earlier efforts. Together (although not physically speaking) we can triumph over this and let our victory be something we can rejoice in the near foreseeable future. May the force & not the virus be with you!

Photo source: Unsplash | Unsplash 

MCO COIVD19 LIFTED Extend CB virus





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