Tarot Card Reading | Will You Get Married in the Next Three Years?



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Tarot Card Reading | Will You Get Married in the Next Three Years?

By Atom

Marriage is undoubtedly the most significant turning point in everyone's life. Some people choose to get married in the 20s as they think their family serves as the motivation for them to strive for career development. On the other hand, others believe that getting married after accomplishing a career goal offers them more time to enjoy their single life. What about you? If you don't have an answer in your mind yet, you can try on this tarot card reading to predict whether you will get married in the next three years!


Relax your body and mind before you pick the card. Doing the tarot card reading with a quiet mind will get a more insightful and helpful solution. Also, make sure you are paying full attention to this.



1. Focus on the question: will I get married in the next three years? Repeat this question in your mind.

2. Take a few deep breaths and make sure your mind is relaxing and clear.

3. Pick any of the following tarot cards on your first instinct.


Here are the solutions for each tarot card:

Tarot Card 1: JUDGEMENT


Keywords/ Meanings: A life well lived, work well done. Awakening. Renewal. The end of the misery. A new beginning.

You plan to get married in the next three years since your family is the priority for you. You never set a high standard when searching for your life partner as you believe the right personality and feelings are more important. For those who are currently having an intimate relationship with someone, you and your partner will have another good start if you two take this relationship seriously.

Tarot Card 2: THE STAR


Keywords/ Meanings: Disappointment. Pessimism. Doubt. Lack of perception. Secret love.

You still have a big chance to get married within three years. The primary triggers would be increasing age, and all your friends are married. You might start to feel anxious about getting married late and have a plan for marriage recently. However, the higher hope you are lighting up, the higher disappointment might come to you when things are not going well.



Keywords/ Meanings: Preference for the outer forms of religion, the ritual and the creed. The importance of social approval. 

This card resembles the highest thought in the spiritual aspect. You always think that marriage should happen between you and your Mr or Miss Right only. You would not consider getting married unless you have met the one predestined for you. Therefore, you are less likely to get married within three years. Anyway, if you have met your Mr or Miss Right, you may get married in the next three years!

Tarot Card 4: JUSTICE

Keywords/ Meanings: Reason and justice will prevail. Injustice. Inequality. Prejudice. Coldhearted.

You are not planning to get married in the next three years. You think that marriage and family might burden your daily lives since you are still young. Currently, you are more engaged with your career and pursuing a stable financial status. You might worry that you will never achieve success in the future if you do not strive for professional development now. If you are currently having an intimate relationship with someone, perhaps you should rethink whether you can contribute to the relationship consistently.

-----------------------------------This marks the end of the tarot card reading.--------------------------------

Here's a reminder: there are no absolutes in Tarot. Tarot card reading is not a reflection of your destiny, but it serves as a reflection of your thoughts and emotions towards the questions you are wondering. You may view it as a tool or reminder for you to examine the questions you have from a different perspective. Anyhow, it is not recommended to use tarot card reading for making critical life decisions.

Cover Photo Sources: Pinterest 

Adapted and Translated from Goody25

#tarot #getmarried #marriage #marry


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