TIME Magazine’s New Cover Features ‘Black Mother’



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TIME Magazine’s New Cover Features ‘Black Mother’

By Huan Lui

TIME magazine has just released its latest cover which is an oil-painting that examines the recent protests on the killing of George Floyd.

The painting — ‘Analogous Colors’ — features a frowning African American mother who is holding her child’s silhouette. According to TIME, the artist of the painting, Titus Kaphar, “cut out the canvas to show a mother’s loss.” George Floyd was reportedly calling out for his deceased mother before he died being pinned on the ground by a police officer. 

Accompanying the painting is a poem, in which Kaphar writes, “In her expression, I see the Black mothers who are unseen, and rendered helpless in this fury against their babies.

As I listlessly wade through another cycle of violence against black people, I paint a black mother... eyes closed, furrowed brow, holding the contour of her loss.


The painting is surrounded by the names of 35 African American men and women who were also victims of the oppression against their race. All of them died of violent and racist acts.

What a powerful painting with a meaningful message. Indeed, racism and violence need to stop! Like right now!

Source: China Press

Cover photo: TIME || The New York Times


Huan Lui

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