Elizabeth Olsen Trolled for Not Posting Chadwick Boseman Tribute | Here's what I think - Editor's View



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Elizabeth Olsen Trolled for Not Posting Chadwick Boseman Tribute | Here's what I think - Editor's View


The News :

Following the unfortunate death of Chadwick Boseman, fellow co-stars and Hollywood celebs has posted their thoughts and prayers on the social media. Despite the trend, Elizabeth Olsen (the Scarlet Witch from The Avengers) remained silent on social media, and she received harsh criticism, name calling and even threats for not saying anything about Chadwick Boseman's death. She deactivated her IG account afterwards. 


Editor's View :

Let's make 3 things clear :- 

#1  |  Posting on Social Media
Since when does posting something or say something about someone's death on social media is a must? Social Media is just a place to share some of our thought, not ALL. I choose what I want to post/share. It might seems like a big news as it is about death of a co-star and everything, but still, this shouldn't be the reason deciding whether or not you should post a tribute on social media. This might sounds a bit off to some, but remember this, the only question we should be asking ourselves in this case is, "Do I want to share my feelings on social media?". NOT "Oh, everyone's doing it, then I should do it too."

So, please peeps, set the record straight. 

#2  |  Judgement & Perspective

You may think that posting a tribute to someone's death or sharing some bigger news of yours on social media to your friends is a must. But please do accept people that doesn't follows. Every human beings has their own thoughts, their own side of story, and therefore they think and make choices that are different from you or others. And so, when you found out that someone else is taking things the other way, different then yours, DO NOT JUDGE! But try to understand why so. Look from different perspectives, even those you never think of or believe in. 

Just like when you were in Standard 1 and you got your clothes dirty from trying to rescue a dog from the drain, without listening to your side of story, the first thing your mum gonna say to you is "Why are you playing with dirt? Didn't I told you not to?" Don't be that mum. 

#3  |   Cyber Bullying

Yo, this one has been around since forever, man! Before the birth of digital world, we have real life bullying. And after we have Internet, we have both. What a joke? 

Bullying, is never OK! Let it be physical bullying, or words abuse or even cyber bullying. Some people might not know that, a bully, was often, lack of self-confidence. And by bullying others, they feel better about themselves. This became super obvious with the group of "keyboard warriors". They say something or comment on something, on the social media, because they think that they are correct, and they want to spread that so-called "correctness" and to make people feel guilty because they are on the so-called "wrong side". From this, they feel that they are superior than others. But this is not right, this is not the way to feel good about yourself. You should feel good about yourself when you have done something good, not when you have criticized others and belittling them. 

So every time when you are trying to say something, online or offline, remember to ask yourself, am I voicing my opinion fairly or am I trying to make someone feel they are wrong. 


Final thoughts :

I mean, how many great artists have been suffering from this thing : cyber bullying, name calling, sending threats. Treat people, how you liked to be treated, and I believed no one likes being bullied by others in any sense. 

Let's stop this shit people! Chadwick did not died to see this. 


Cover Photo Source : Left | Right

marvel scarlet Witch avengers End game black panther chadwick boseman elisabeth olsen Captain america Chris evans MCU universe goodymy


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