Entrepreneur & Influencer Spends RM90,000 On Barbie-Themed Raya Fits For The Whole Family



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Entrepreneur & Influencer Spends RM90,000 On Barbie-Themed Raya Fits For The Whole Family

By ellephant

TikTok influencer and entrepreneur Syed Muhammad Syah Hasif Syed Othman spent RM90,000 this Raya on 120 pieces of clothing for himself, his wife and two children. 

The 32-year-old who is better known as Prince Syed among his followers, chose to be different from the norm this year, and went with a Barbie-themed whole shebang. 

"This year, I see many people have chosen orange for their baju raya, but my wife and I want to be different from everyone else.


"We had a list of characters from which to choose and we ended up picking a Barbie theme. Besides, we had previously gone with a Hello Kitty theme in a previous Hari Raya, so this time, it is Barbie.

"I like cute characters and so does my wife, so there was no dispute about our clothes... in fact, my wife came up with some ideass on the concepts of our clothes and the feathery elements we incorporated into the outfits," he told Harian Metro.

He took two days to sew the four Barbie-themed outfits, including the tanjak and sampin for himself and his 5-year-old son.

@syed.fatin.jaeden.haifa Pakaian Raya yang semua orang nantikan dari kami , BARBIE adalah tema raya kami untuk 2024 ni , Alhamdulillah Simple jer baju kami anak beranak kalini , dan istimewa untuk semua followers kami , ini adalah hadiah buat semua iaitu lagu raya Single Pertama lagu raya dari kami berjudul TIBERR RAYA untuk semua raya ni , harap semua suka dan terhibur , tahun ni kami beraya di Gerik ini lah suasana kami apabila raya , bersama keluarga dan kawan2 baik kami , bila raya semua dapat berkumpul memang satu kenikmatan yang sukar nak digambarkan , dan paling best dan meriahhh raya di kampung Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri , mohon maaf jika sekiranya apa2 konten dari kami yang masing2 ada terasa atau berkecil hati , kami minta maaf ya kita semua bukan insan yang sempurna dan sentiasa perbaiki kesilapan pada diri ini terima kasih semua yang banyak support kami tau @Fatinsyedjaedenhaifa1923 @Queen Syarifah Syah @Nazrul Hazric @Wanie Sidik @Thalia_Rasul @Shahmi_Salimie original sound - Prince Syed Fatin Jaeden Haifa

"The challenge for me this year was in finding the right material because it's difficult to find cloth with Barbie motifs, whether online or at textile warehouses.

"Much of the material you find have Hello Kitty or Sponge Bob patterns, so I decided to use bedsheets and blankets. I also added some lace at the bottom for my wife and daughter," he said.

He mentioned not being embarassed about wearing the outfit, adding that it was a worthwhile investment as he gets to show off extravagantly during the festive season.


"Everyone has their own interests so it's not wrong to choose whatever theme you want... the most important thing is to maintain certain boundaries so that you're appearance isn't too eye-popping

"Besides, Barbie is universal and suitable for all age groups, whether adults or children," he said.

Entrepreneur Barbie raya 90k Family outfit syawal eid


a writer of sorts



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