Hilarious But Valid Questions People Ask During Ramadhan



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Hilarious But Valid Questions People Ask During Ramadhan

By Ayunie

"Damn, not even water?"

Aside from the annually-repeated question (see: above), there are many other funny, sometimes even absurd but completely valid questions that get asked during Ramadhan, or about fasting generally. 


These questions have probably crossed your mind once or twice, too. Let's see if we have the answers: 

1. "Can we wear earphones during Ramadhan?"

It is encouraged to listen to music less during Ramadhan yes, but no, wearing earphones will not make you break your fast, silly. (source: Birmingham mail)

2. "Will it invalidate our fast if we accidentally drink a minute after Suhoor?"

Generally, you don't need to worry about breaking your fast if you accidentally eat or drink during the day, as long as you stop and rinse your mouth immediately, even if it's past Suhoor. (source: Arab News)

3. "Will it invalidate my fast if I sing in the shower?"

Well, it is advised to reduce the consumption of music during Ramadhan, and loud music is prohibited. So, do what you will with the information? (source: Metro UK)

4. "Can you kiss during Ramadhan?"

While the act of kissing your partner whilst fasting will not necessarily invalidate your fast, (provided that it's your legally married partner) but any act that may lead to something more (read: sex) is best to be avoided. Absolutely no kissing for non-mahram couples during Ramadhan or any time of the year, though. (source: express.co.uk)

5. "If I swallow my saliva in an excessive amount during fasting, will it break my fast?

You might think you found a cheat code to fasting with this question, and if it works for you to reduce the feeling of hunger then great, but no, swallowing saliva excessively throughout the day won't break your fast. So, you're good. (source: BBC)


What other absurd questions have you heard about Ramadhan? Come share with us in the comment section!

eid raya ramadhan funny hilarious questions puasa aidilfitri fasting holy month


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