Listening to trending songs on radio and social media can somewhat mess with your thoughts after some time, especially if the tunes are being blasted on repeat.
Believe it or not, an individual effected by the irritating occurence tends to develop a syndrome called “Earworms”, and it’s actually real.
Adakah lirik lagu Alamak raya lagi berputar di minda tanpa henti?
Ia adalah situasi yang dinamakan Earworms
"Earworms" ialah lagu yang tidak diingini yang berulang di kepala anda. Majoriti individu, tidak mempunyai sebarang masalah, tetapi rasa sedikit TERGANGGU
According to Public Health Malaysia, such notion can be treated by the following:
- Listening to the whole song to get rid of the “trapped stanza”.
- Adding rhythm variations or distracting your thoughts with a song you favor instead.
- Ignore.
- Occupy oneself with other matters.
And if those tips don’t work, it’s advisable to consult a specialist that can prescribe a suitable treatment.