A short holiday among friends turned into a devastating tragedy after a 17-year-old boy from Machang, Kelantan, fell to his death from the 14th floor of an apartment. The incident occurred yesterday (Jan 16) and has left both his companions and family in mourning.
The victim, who had rented an apartment unit with several friends, was discovered on the 6th floor by a cleaning staff member at around 12pm. The group had planned to check out on Saturday (Jan 18), but their plans were cut short by the heartbreaking incident.
Kuala Terengganu district police chief Assistant Commissioner Azli Mohd Nor confirmed the case, stating that police received a report from a member of the public at 12:30 pm. "The victim's body has been sent to the forensic unit of Sultanah Nur Zahirah Hospital (HSNZ) for an autopsy," he said.
Authorities have classified the incident as sudden death (SDR) and are conducting further investigations. The police have reached out to the victim's family to assist with arrangements for his remains.
Source: Harian Metro