Crickets Rice Crackers By Muji | Tastes Somehow Similar To Shrimp?



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Crickets Rice Crackers By Muji | Tastes Somehow Similar To Shrimp?

By 我是一条酸菜鱼

Yeah! You saw it!

 Muji is selling Crickets Rice Crackers from 20 May 2020, quoted that it is a future food that is kind to the earth.  

Source: Muji Facebook

Muji has comes out with this "interesting" idea due to the rapid population increase in the world, securing the proteins is an important issue and insect foods are a good alternative to livestock.  

Source: Muji

This idea also supported by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), where crickets have high nutritional value and low environmental impact. And insects contain more major nutrients compare to animal protein.  

Source: Muji

Additionally, crickets are easy to breed with a small amount of water and food and in tiny space,  fast-growing in about 35 days and omnivorous, indirectly can help minimize the food waste problems as the crickets can be feed with leftover food.  
Source: Muji

The Cricket Rice Cracker is developed in collaboration with Tokushima University, using the edible crickets called "Futahoshi cricket" that lives in Okinawa and Amami Oshima for mass-production, and made into a powder, and kneaded into a rice cracker.

No extra ingredients were used in the production to brings out the cricket original taste. And based on the official statement, the Crickets Rice Cracker taste like shrimp.

The Crickets Rice Cracker will start selling at MUJI Japan online store on 20 May 2020, and will soon to available at limited stores in Japan.  

But the main question is, will you give it a try? HAHA

MUJI Japan website:

Source & Photos: Muji Japan Website || Muji Global Instagram

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