Thirty, Flirty & Thriving | 6 Things To Take Note Upon Touching 30



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Thirty, Flirty & Thriving | 6 Things To Take Note Upon Touching 30

By ellephant

The year is 2023, and for some of us, age seems to be catching up way sooner than we'd like. 

1993ers, this year marks the big 3-0, and the biggest question is, how ready are you to tackle your dirty thirties?

Here are 6 things to keep in mind just to be prepared for the year ahead.  

1. Real friends

You'll figure out who's real to you and who isn't. Life has a way of weeding out the, well weeds. With maturity, will come the ability to remove anything toxic from your life. 

2. Drama

No matter the age, there will always be so much happening all at once. But that's okay, embrace each challenge as it comes.  

3. There's time

Age is a state of mind. No matter where you or what you're doing in life, there will still be time to do everything you wanted to in your 20s. You're not dead. 

4. Me

You understand how much you *don't* need to please others. As long as you're happy, everyone else comes secondary.  

5. Physique

Mentality and emotionality aside, your body does scientifically age. That being said, metabolism rates, as well as working out, could be harder to manage. Nevertheless, don't let that stand in your way. 

6. The starting line

Believe it or not, life's just getting started. As a matter of fact, the best experiences are quite literally on its way to you. Romanticize every moment best you can.  

2023 newyear 30 things life lessons


a writer of sorts



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