Outcome of BPN Appeal Will Be Announced in Mid-June



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Outcome of BPN Appeal Will Be Announced in Mid-June

By azora

According to the New Straits Times, Finance Minister, Tengku Datuk Seri Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz, said that the outcome of BPN appeal will be announced in the middle of June.  He said a total of RM11.5 billion will be allocated to an estimated 10.77 million of Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) recipients, which includes those who made appeals between May 11 and 31.


Photo Source: Tengku Zafrul@Facebook

A total of 170,000 appeals were received from May 11 to 31. All of them would be reviewed manually and the outcome will be announced in mid-June and payments will be made at the end of June.

On the other hand, there are four million applications for the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) i-Lestari program that had been approved up to May 31, which involves withdrawals of RM1.9 billion per month. The total reduction in EPF contribution for employees from 11% to 7% is estimated to be RM895 million in May.


Photo Source: Tengku Zafrul@Facebook

"Up to May 31, the government had seen more employees opting to maintain their contributions at 11 percent, accounting for 1.7 million or 23 percent of EPF contributors compared with 1.5 million previously (as of May 17)."

News source: New Straits Times

Cover Photo: Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia@Facebook || FMT

BPN Appeal outcome rayuan announce LHDN Bantuan Prihatin nasional malaysia


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